Canadian Homebuyers Trying To Beat Rate Hikes.

General Krystyna Seibicz 16 Dec

Canadian Homebuyers Trying To Beat Rate Hikes. Housing Demand Outpaces Supply Today the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) released statistics showing national existing-home sales rose 0.6% in November following the whopping 8.6% surge the month before. Sales could have been higher had it not been for the limited supply of homes for sale. Homebuyers are […]

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Why Use a Dominion Lending Centres Mortgage Broker?

General Krystyna Seibicz 14 Oct

In a world with an abundance of options, it can be hard to know which way to turn to ensure that you make the best decision for your future. Fortunately, a mortgage broker can help! With access to over 200 lending institutions including big banks, credit unions and trust companies, our licensed team of mortgage […]

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